This week I feel I have made a few breakthroughs regarding my anxiety and depression, I have a lot of anxiety about the future and what it holds for me. I think it's only natural for me to worry seen as though I struggle with day to day life and I worry about what I will end up studying and how I will find a job to suit me. I get anxious about loads of other things which I'm sure you'll find out with time, but when it all piles up it gets on top of me and I start feeling down and upset.
My parents are so understanding and I'm very lucky to have such great support from them, but both work long hours and aren't at home very often and I got into the routine of being very down and lonely when left alone. I would just lie in bed all day or I'd be on my laptop and if I wasn't doing that then I was fast asleep just letting days pass by. I started feeling lazy but I felt stuck and I couldn't snap out of the routine I'd gotten into. I'd get angry with myself for not doing anything, I was basically stuck in a vicious circle.
After staying in Chester with my grandparents for a brief period I knew I didn't want to go back to being like that and have decided to stay with them during the week and most weekends. I like waking up and not feeling like I have nothing to do, we go out most days, and that alone gives me the motivation to get up and dressed and do my make-up. I finally feel like I am being productive and that my days aren't just going to waste.
I also finally had the courage to start my blog and keep at it, I'd been considering it for a while but I lacked the motivation. I have been working so hard to try and make it as professional as possible. So, if you have any feedback for me or any advice then please comment below.
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